Simeon Polockij's Library: A Catalogue - Hippisley/ Lukjanova

10,00 EUR
Lieferzeit: *3-7 Tage
Art.Nr.: b027611
ISBN/EAN: 3412229059
Gewicht: 0.6650 kg

  • Produktbeschreibung

    This volume identifies and describes Simeons collection. The alphabetical catalogue records publication details, collations, owners inscriptions and editorial information. Apart from his importance for 17th century Russian literature, Simeon Polockij was a learned man who assembled the largest private library in Moscow. His 600 books by mostly Catholic authors writing in Latin and Polish confirm the view that Simeon was a Trojan horse of Western learning in the largely conservative Orthodox milieu of Moscow. His collection is today preserved as part of the Synodal Press Library in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents ...

    Simeon Polockij's Library: A Catalogue = Bausteine zur Slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe B: Editionen. N.F. Band 22 - Hippisley, Anthony/ Lukjanova, Evgenija

    Format: 23,5 cm (gr.8°), Seiten: 226, Gewicht > 500g,

    Verlag: Böhlau Verlag, Köln

    Erscheinungsdatum: 2005

    Einband: Hardcover,OPpbd

    Zustand: neuwertig: leichte Lagerspuren, sonst wie neu,wirkt wie ungelesen, ...

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