Konvolut: The World´s great Classics ( 19 of 50 Vol. ): Scott, Poe, Bronte , Emerson and more....

100,00 EUR
Lieferzeit: *3-7 Tage
Art.Nr.: sam772
Gewicht: 25.5550 kg

  • Produktbeschreibung

    ISBN for complete Set : 0-7172-0001-9,....... Set in Grolier Ultratype (Großdruck). .......

    Konvolut: The World´s great Classics ( 19 of 50 Vol. ): Scott, Poe, Bronte , Emerson and more....

    Format:23,5 cm (gr.8°) , Gewicht > 25 kg, ;..

    Verlag: Grolier inc. , USA

    Einband: 19 x Hardcover,Kunstleder(Vinyl)

    Zustand: leichte altersgemäße Lese-/Lagerspuren und Papierbräunung, sonst sauber und gut erhalten, keine Eintragungen,...,slight signs of reading/storage due to age and paper browning, otherwise clean and in good condition, no inscriptions, ... # INTERNATIONAL WORLDWIDE Shipping ( with Tracking number) available ! #

    The World´s great Classics ( 19 of 50 Vol. ) :

    01 Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
    02 Vanity Fair by William M. Thackeray
    03 Waklden, or life in the Woods by Henry David Thoreau
    04 Politics + Poetics by Aristotle
    05 Essays by Michel E. de Montaigne
    06 Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
    07 The Prince by N.Machiavelli + The Courtier by B.Castiglione
    08 An invitation to great reading by Floyd Zulli
    09 Lives of ten noble Greeks and Romans by Plutarch
    10 Selected Stories and Poems by Edgar Allan Poe
    11 Classical Literature of Asia by John D. Yohannan
    12 Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
    13 Selected Short Stories by Guy de Maupassant
    14 Essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson
    15 Anna Karenia by Tolstoy
    16 The Age of Fable by Thomas Bulfinch
    17 Autobiography by Benvenuto Cellini
    18 Autobiography by Benjamin


  • Konvolut: The World´s great Classics ( 19 of 50 Vol. ): Scott, Poe, Bronte , Emerson and more....
    Konvolut: The World´s great Classics ( 19 of 50 Vol. ): Scott, Poe, Bronte , Emerson and more....
    Konvolut: The World´s great Classics ( 19 of 50 Vol. ): Scott, Poe, Bronte , Emerson and more....
    Konvolut: The World´s great Classics ( 19 of 50 Vol. ): Scott, Poe, Bronte , Emerson and more....

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