Design It, Sew It, and Wear It - Bradley, Duane

65,00 EUR
Lieferzeit: *3-7 Tage
Art.Nr.: b024524
ISBN/EAN: 0690038399
Gewicht: 0.7550 kg

  • Produktbeschreibung

    Explains procedures for making reusable patterns that insure proper fit and presents directions for sewing blouses, skirts, dresses, a robe, and an evening coat...

    Design It, Sew It, and Wear It: How to Make Yourself a Super Wardrobe Without Commercial Patterns  - Bradley, Duane

    Format: 24 cm (gr.8°) ,Seiten: 145, Gewicht > 500g,.. ;.

    Verlag: Ty Crowell Co

    Erscheinungsdatum: 1979

    Einband: Hardcover,Halbleinen,

    Zustand:  Einband mit Lichtrand,sonst nur leichte altersgemäße Lese-/Lagerspuren, innen sauber und dem Alter entsprechend sehr gut erhalten,...Binding with light margin, otherwise only slight age-appropriate reading/handling marks, inside clean and very well preserved according to age, ,..

  • Design It, Sew It, and Wear It  - Bradley, Duane
    Design It, Sew It, and Wear It  - Bradley, Duane
    Design It, Sew It, and Wear It  - Bradley, Duane
    Design It, Sew It, and Wear It  - Bradley, Duane
    Design It, Sew It, and Wear It  - Bradley, Duane

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