The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892) - Hutchinson,Henry Neville

15,00 EUR
Lieferzeit: *3-7 Tage
Art.Nr.: b023533
Gewicht: 0.7550 kg

  • Produktbeschreibung

    The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892) - Hutchinson,Henry Neville

    Format: 19,5 cm (8°), Pages: 356, Weight > 500g,

    Verlag: Seeley and Co.Limited

    Erscheinungsdatum: 1892

    Einband: Hardcover,cloth, - Leinen,

    Auflage: 1. Auflage

    Zustand: good,
    Einband beschabt, sonst nur leichte altersgemäße Lese-/Lagerspuren, dem Alter entsprechend sehr gut erhalten,..Binding scraped, otherwise only slight signs of age-appropriate reading, very well preserved according to age,

  • The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892)  - Hutchinson,Henry Neville
    The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892)  - Hutchinson,Henry Neville
    The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892)  - Hutchinson,Henry Neville
    The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892)  - Hutchinson,Henry Neville
    The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892)  - Hutchinson,Henry Neville
    The Story of the Hills: A Popular Account of Mountains and How they Were Made (1892)  - Hutchinson,Henry Neville

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